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Ambient Seismic

About Ambient Seismic


Many assume that the term “ambient seismic” is synonymous with “microseismic.” However, advances in the understanding of natural and induced seismic emissions and new imaging and analytical methods have differentiated these terms.


Earth stress studies show that the earth’s crust is in a state of frictional equilibrium. Any disruption to that equilibrium generates acoustic activity that when imaged reveals reservoir features such as faults and fractures.


In recent years, research has shown that the majority of the seismic energy radiated during a fracture treatment is from sources such as long duration signals and fluid resonance in the fracture system. These types of emissions can persist or fade in and out for minutes to hours. Therefore, they cannot be analyzed with conventional microseismic methods because they are not distinct events.


Ambient seismic generates detailed images of the acoustic activity produced by faults and fractures revealing new insights for exploration, development, fracture and re-fracture design, reservoir management, production forecasting, and reserves estimation.


Global’s ambient seismic offerings include the industry’s most advanced suite of ambient seismic acquisition, analysis, and interpretation services that provide valuable information throughout the lifecycle of both conventional and unconventional fields, offering substantial benefits for all phases of operations.

Click here for more information on ARM (Ambient Reservoir Monitoring) ARM

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