Global Geophysical Services 2.0 is HERE!
Technologies - NuSeis Nodal
Highest Technology and Equipment
The cornerstone of Global Geophysical's technology advantage is the NuSeis Nodal seismic system.
NuSeis offers unique advantages compared to other nodal systems:
NuSeis EARTHGRIP™ coupling is extraordinary and yields higher signal to noise ratio data.
NuSeis "Stealth Deployment" enables you to insert the node below the surface of the ground to avoid social disturbance, theft, and obtain the quietest deployment possible even in an urban settings. Drive the spread, walk it, or fly it with a drone to capture the BLE-transmitted QC data from nodes underground.
NuSeis transformability allows you to choose the best form factor for your upcoming project, providing you with the best operating performance and the best data quality for each environment and surface condition.
NuSeis 1C nodes are well established globally, having worked in 15 countries over the last 8 years in all environments.
NuSeis 2C node (hydrophone+geophone) development for shallow marine and transition zones is complete, and we are launching a 120,000 channel 2C crew in Q1 2024 for a world class deep gas plus carbon sequestration project.
NuSeis 3C nodes are recording high quality data on the Mona Loa Volcano in Hawaii, on numerous engineering and natural earth seismicity programs, as well as induced seismicity projects globally.
NuSeis 4C nodes are engineered and we are building a 5,000-node NRU OB4C asset base that will deploy in the Gulf of Mexico in Q1 2024.