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Why Global - Our Advantage

The Global Advantage: Knowledge & Experience, Highest Technology Capabilities, and Innovative Culture


Knowledge and Experience

The proven track record of our management team has been instrumental in attracting some of the most successful and experienced industry professionals to Global Geophysical. The original incarnation of Global Geophysical grew from 3 to over 325 employees in its first year of operation, and our goal is to meet or exceed that growth rate with the new company. We have already assembled a world-class team of industry leaders that have extensive experience operating in the most challenging environments all around the globe. Global employees have hundreds of years of cumulative experience working seismic operations in over 100 countries and in all types of terrain including mountains, deserts, arctic environments, urban centers, swamps, marshes, rivers, lakes, bays, and shallow marine environments from 0-150 meter water depths.

Geoscience Knowledge and Capital


Acquisition Solutions:
Global offers high density, Reservoir Grade 3D (RG3D®) seismic solutions for exploration and reservoir management.

  • RG3D® products offer increased spatial resolution and improved signal-to-noise ratio for enhanced imaging of geologic structures.

  • A survey acquired with RG3D® technology offers source and receiver density disproportionately greater than the incremental cost over a conventional 3D survey.

  • Global’s geophysicists are also experts in crew operations, project management and logistics, thereby optimizing survey efficiency and crew productivity.


Processing & Imaging Solutions:
Our geoscience services partner, Z-Terra, offers industry leading processing technologies to its clients including: Wave Equation Pre stack Time Migration, 6-D Interpolation, Diffraction Imaging, Horizontal Transverse Isotropic PSTM, Gaussian Beam PSDM, Wave Equation PSDM, Fault Constrained Tomography, Beam Tomography, RTM, FWI and 3D Seamless Merge.

Additionally, the company offers value added services such as partial or full interpretation studies, regional and prospect seismic mapping, integration of seismic and potential field data, correlation of seismic and well results, and if needed, second opinions on complicated drilling prospects utilizing our in-house experience and industry recognized exploration consultants.  


Highest Technology and Equipment

The cornerstone of Global Geophysical's technology advantage is the NuSeis Nodal seismic system. NuSeis offers unique advantages compared to other nodal systems:

  • NuSeis EARTHGRIP™ coupling is extraordinary and yields higher signal to noise ratio data.

  • NuSeis "Stealth Deployment" enables you to insert the node below the surface of the ground to avoid social disturbance, theft, and obtain the quietest deployment possible even in an urban settings.  Drive the spread, walk it, or fly it with a drone to capture the BLE-transmitted QC data from nodes underground.

  • NuSeis transformability allows you to choose the best form factor for your upcoming project, providing you with the best operating performance and the best data quality for each environment and surface condition.

  • NuSeis 1C nodes are well established globally, having worked in 15 countries over the last 8 years in all environments.

  • NuSeis 2C node (hydrophone+geophone) development for shallow marine and transition zones is complete, and we are launching a 120,000 channel 2C crew in Q1 2024 for a world class deep gas plus carbon sequestration project.

  • ​NuSeis 3C nodes are recording high quality data globally including on the Mona Loa Volcano in Hawaii, on numerous engineering and natural earth seismicity programs, as well as induced seismicity projects globally.

  • NuSeis 4C nodes are engineered and we are building a 5,000-node NRU OB4C asset base that will deploy in the Gulf of Mexico in Q3 2025.​

Innovative Culture


We have a stark absence of politics and bureaucracy that nurtures the entrepreneurial spirit and encourages the innovative process within our organization. Innovation requires experience, resources, knowledge and the confidence to think outside of the box. We understand that our clients' needs and perceptions must be at the forefront of our decisions in developing successful seismic solutions.


Global seeks to employ highly motivated, entrepreneurial people who are industry experts with a broad experience base and who have extensive client relationships. Global encourages a culture of cost-consciousness as a core value, and every employee is challenged with the responsibility of minimizing overhead and operating expenses.

Our company has extensive employee ownership—our personnel have a vested interest in ensuring that we manage expenses without compromising the rapid response time, high level of productivity and the unmatched quality of service that we strive to provide all of our clients.

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