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Board Member - Steven Meadows

Steve is a business and community leader with 43 years of experience in various commercial
and charitable leadership roles.
He is an experienced execu=ve, with extensive knowledge of the energy industry. He has over 31
years experience with major energy companies: Gulf Oil, Sohio Petroleum (BP), and
ConocoPhillips. From 1987-2011, served in various business and legal posi=ons with
ConocoPhillips including Deputy General Counsel, and Vice President, State Government Affairs,
prior to re=ring on Feb. 1, 2011. Key roles included Chief FCPA Counsel, General Counsel for Dubai
Petroleum Company, Interna=onal Sanc=ons Counsel, and head of Corporate Poli=cal Ac=vi=es
Since his re=rement from ConocoPhillips, he has devoted his =me primarily to leadership roles in
several charitable organiza=ons, including serving on governing boards of the Houston Choral
Society, the Katy Community Thanksgiving Feast Steering CommiXee, the Houston West Emmaus
Board, the Board of Stewards for HC Katy UMC, and ac=ng as a delegate to the Texas Annual
Conference of the United Methodist Church.
Steve is a na=ve Texan, and has lived most of his life in the Lone Star State, except for s=nts in
Oklahoma and Dubai, UAE. He received his BA from Angelo State University, and his JD from the
University of Texas School of Law (1980).

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